Transform AKC – for the best patient experience

The Kidney Care UK and UK Kidney Association/KQIP partnership team are excited to announce the launch of a 3-year Advanced Kidney Care (AKC) improvement project, “Transform AKC – for the best patient experience”. This initiative aims to improve equitable access to the highest quality AKC service for all patients through sustainable and systemic changes in practice.

We are currently recruiting kidney centres to participate at all levels of this project.

About the Project: The Transform AKC project focuses on enhancing the multi-professional care provided to:

  • Adults in the 18-24 months before commencing kidney replacement therapy (KRT).
  • Patients with eGFR <20 who choose a non-dialysis conservative kidney management pathway.

Key Objectives:

  1. Collaborate with AKC expert practitioners to leverage existing expertise.
  2. Co-design and pilot an improved AKC toolkit and change package, supported by comprehensive staff training.
  3. Integrate outputs from existing initiatives to avoid duplication and streamline efforts.

Why Participate? The AKC clinic is a pivotal stage in the patients' pathway, marked by significant anxiety and life changes. By participating, your centre will:

  • Join a national network of AKC professionals and expert patients.
  • Improve your team’s knowledge, skills, and confidence in delivering ideal AKC care.
  • Gain practical Quality Improvement experience (if joining at level 3).
  • Implement effective steps to enhance patient care using the newly developed toolkit (if joining at level 3).

This is a unique opportunity to directly influence the future of kidney care and make a lasting impact on patient outcomes.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this short application form by 13 Sept 2024

Read the project summary here

Transform AKC project information sessions (drop in)

  • Tuesday 13 Aug 12:30-1:30pm
  • Friday 30 Aug 1-2pm

Upcoming Transform AKC Events (please help promote these to your patients)

  • Patient Insight Webinar – 12 Sept 2 – 4pm
  • Professionals Insight Webinar – 26 Nov 2 – 5pm
  • Face-to-face event – Spring 2025 (date tbc)

We look forward to working together to improve kidney care for all patients.

For more information contact Ranjit Klare


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report