UKRR CKD/AKI clinical dataset

The CKD/AKI clinical dataset forms the basis of all analyses published in the UKRR's annual report (CKD data only) and covers the following two groups of people (both adults and children):

  1. Those with CKD stages 1 to 5 who are treated at a renal centre, whether or not they are on RRT.
  2. Those on RRT, including dialysis for an AKI at a renal centre.

All renal centres are required to submit the data items listed in the current version of the CKD/AKI clinical dataset.

However, many items are not submitted/not received at the UKRR - please see the completeness data portal which displays the completeness of key data items submitted by each renal centre. Also see the UKRR CKD/AKI clinical dataset on the HDRUK Innovation Gateway. In the 'Technical details' tab is a list of the data items sufficiently complete to share.

Most CKD/AKI clinical data are submitted directly to the UKRR by English, Welsh and Northern Irish renal centres in a secure electronic format. Scottish renal centres send data to the Scottish Renal Registry (SRR - managed by Public Health Scotland), which cleans, analyses and publishes the data. The SRR then forwards the Scottish data to the UKRR to enable UK wide analyses of CKD data to be published in the UKRR annual report.

Currently, most English, Welsh and Northern Irish renal centres submit data on a quarterly basis, but centres are starting to move to a daily flow via the UKRDC. A UKRR data manager works with each renal centre to facilitate data submission. Data are collected in arrears.

Dialysis access data are currently submitted via a spreadsheet, but in future, data will be via the quarterly/daily submission process described above.

The CKD/AKI clinical dataset is linked with NHS Blood and Transplant, Public Health England, NHS Digital (Hospital Episode Statistics and Civil Registration Database) and NHS Wales Informatics Service (Patient Episode Database for Wales).


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report