UKRR CKD patient measures dataset - submission

Kidney PREM are collected annually over a one month period via an electronic or paper PREM survey completed and submitted by patients.

To view the most up to date PREM data for your renal centre, go to the PREM portal.

The UKRR use the paper-based Your Health Survey to collect PAM and PROM. Data are collected intermittently when requested by a renal centre and are reported to patients via PatientView. In 2016-2017, over 3,000 Your Health Surveys were collected by the UKRR as part of a quality improvement project Transforming Participation in Chronic Kidney Disease.

A report on these data and information about the project can be found here.


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report