NEW Guideline update: Pregnancy and Kidney Disease

Expressions of interest are sought for an update to the guideline on Pregnancy and Kidney Disease. The current guidance can be found here.

To apply, please send a short statement of no more than one side of A4, explaining why you would like to be involved and what you feel you would bring to the guideline, along with a completed conflict of interest form to by 6th January 2025.

NEW updated Guideline: Anaemia in Chronic Kidney Disease

The UKKA updated guideline on Anaemia In Chronic Kidney Disease is now available.

Updated commentary: Tolvaptan for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)

The UKKA updated commentary on Tolvaptan for ADPKD is now available.

Updated Guideline: Treatment of Acute Hyperkalaemia in Adults

The UKKA updated guideline on the Treatment of Acute Hyperkalaemia in Adults is now available.