30 October 2024

Expressions of interest are invited for membership of the UKKA’s new Ethics and Law Committee. In addition to members, we are also searching for a Clinical Co-Chair.

The Ethics and Law Committee has been established to address ethico-legal issues routinely faced in kidney care. From challenges dialysing those who lack decision-making capacity to dilemmas in living kidney donation, many aspects of kidney care raise ethically- and legally- complex considerations. Following an initial scoping exercise, members of the Ethics and Law Committee will engage in a range of activities to develop vital supports that will assist parties in navigating some of the most challenging care decisions. These might include educational offerings and guidance for professionals, and information and signposting for patients and their loved ones. Members may also be co-opted to other groups within UKKA to provide ethical and legal input.

The Clinical Co-Chair will lead these efforts together with the Multiprofessional Co-Chair, including sharing chairing duties for committee meetings. The Clincal Co-Chair will need to be a medic and a member of the UKKA.

Please submit your EOI of no more than 200 words by 25 November, stating clearly whether you are interested in being a member or Clinical Co-Chair. EOIs can be submitted to ukka@ukkidney.org with the subject heading “E&L Committee Member” or “E&L Committee Clinical Co-Chair”.

Informal enquiries can be made to the multi professional Co-Chair, Dr Jordan A. Parsons: j.a.parsons@bham.ac.uk

Involvement in committees is usually for members only, non members will be considered if their expertise fall outside of renal.