MB ChB (1974), MRCP (UK) (1977), MD (1982), FRCP (1994), FRCPCH (1998)
Professor Lesley Rees was an internationally recognised leader in paediatric nephrology, a teacher and mentor to many generations of nephrologists the world over, and much loved by her colleagues, her devoted patients and their families.
Lesley Rees was born in Hertfordshire. Her father Gwyn, was a primary school headteacher, her mother Norah, was also a teacher. She was educated at St Albans Grammar School for Girls before going to Manchester University in 1969 to read medicine, graduating in 1974. She completed an MD in 1982 on ‘Sodium and water balance in premature infants, with particular reference to the role of arginine vasopressin’. She then moved to London where she did her specialty training in paediatric nephrology at Guy’s Hospital under Cyril Chantler and George Haycock. She was already married with young children, and undaunted by the demands of an 80 hour working week, Lesley became a pioneer of the concept of a ‘job share’, indeed was the first doctor in the UK to hold such an appointment. Thus she became an inspiration for women in medicine, helping to make medical training more accessible, especially for young mothers.
In 1990 Lesley was appointed as a Consultant in Paediatric Nephrology at the Royal Free Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), and at the Royal Free she developed a paediatric dialysis service offering treatment to infants and very young children with severe kidney failure. However it became appropriate to consolidate specialist paediatric services, and so in 1996 she moved to work entirely at GOSH where she spent the rest of her career. She brought to GOSH her paediatric dialysis expertise, adding it to the world class paediatric nephrology service already being developed there, led by Martin Barratt and Michael Dillon. She was appointed Reader at University College, London in 2007, then Professor in 2016.
Lesley dedicated her professional life to improving the lives of infants and children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and together with her medical colleagues, dietitians, nurses and psychologists, she led an internationally renowned clinical and research program emphasising a holistic approach to the care of children with CKD. She always taught that care must be personal and compassionate as well as grounded in the best scientific evidence. She was very much a family person, putting the child and family at the centre of all her care. Her attention to detail and legendary clinical ‘sixth sense’ are well known to anyone who worked with her. Her reputation as teacher and mentor attracted trainees from many parts of the world to work with her at GOSH. Many generations of paediatric nephrologists start their management plans with a seedling thought “……what would Lesley do?” She will be remembered for her humanity, generosity and graciousness as much as for her many academic contributions.
Her research interests were driven by the three major complications that she saw in her patients: short stature, bone disease and a very high mortality from cardiovascular disease; she undertook seminal work in all these fields, and was in high demand as a lecturer at national and international conferences. She challenged dogmas and led paradigm shifts in the management of these conditions. She had the intellect and clarity of thought to analyse the issues and provide rational solutions, as well as the charm, passion and unstinting determination to make the case. In debates at international conferences Lesley would question and challenge, stating her arguments confidently and with dogged conviction, to reach the conclusions that she knew to be right.
Lesley was widely involved as an advocate for children’s kidney care in the NHS and other national bodies. She served as councillor of the International Society for Pediatric Nephrology (IPNA), and received its highest accolade, the IPNA Lifetime Achievement Award. Among her many academic achievements, she was most proud of the twelve years she served as co-editor of Pediatric Nephrology, taking the journal from strength to strength, and contributing immensely to the educational mission of IPNA. The impact of Lesley’s mentoring extends far beyond her ‘GOSH family’. She created a remarkable network of doctors, allied health professionals and scientists whose careers were modelled and facilitated under her mentorship.
Lesley was devoted to her family and is survived by her husband Gordon, their three children, Lauren, Colin and Rhian, and seven grandchildren. She adored them all and was immensely proud of their achievements.
Lesley Rees made this world a better place. Her passing is a great loss for our profession, but her legacy will endure long into a future that will be brighter for children with kidney disease because of all she did.