British Renal Society

In June 2021, the multi-professional focus of the British Renal Society (BRS) and its affiliates merged with the work of the UK Renal Registry and the 71-year history of the Renal Association to create one membership organisation, the UK Kidney Association.

To read more about the merger and new organisation, click here

Multi-professional renal workforce plan for adults and children with kidney disease

(produced in collaboration with the affiliates of the BRS)

This document provides a robust outline to support the implementation of national workforce planning directives and is intended to be of value to:

  • Organisations involved in the development and management of renal services based upon patient pathways including Primary Care Trusts, Care Commissioning Groups (CCG), specialist commissioning, secondary and tertiary care providers, renal networks and commercial companies providing renal services
  • The Kidney Quality Improvement Partnership (KQuIP)
  • Sustainability and Transformation Planning
  • Applicable National Guidelines Groups/National Standards
  • People living with kidney disease, and those who support them
  • Organisations that support people living with kidney disease

People with kidney disease require support from a wide range of healthcare professionals and social service agencies throughout their renal ‘journey’. Multi-professional team working is key for the delivery of high-quality kidney care across the patient pathway. The BRS was a collaboration of affiliate groups. 




A series of e-learning modules developed by the Education Committee of the British Renal Society. Designed to provide the theory and practice of fluid management for multi-professional teams, the modules use a variety of teaching and learning methods including patients stories.

On successful completion of a final assessment learners receive a CPD certificate as evidence of learning for revalidation.

The Fluid Management in Kidney Disease modules are available at Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels.

Learners can purchase access to the modules on an individual basis through the above site. 


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report