The BAPN advertises events that may be of interest to our pediatric nephrology community.

Please contact our communications officer if you would like to advertise your event, with the name, date and a brief description.

Please also visit the UKKA calendar for a full list of events relevant to health care professionals.


Annual Nephro-Urology Course - Wednesday 23 April 2025 to Friday 25 April 2025

The Annual GOSH Nephro-urology course aims to increase your knowledge and understanding of paediatric nephrology using a range of symposiums and workshops. This three-day course (or two-day course for those attending online) consists of hybrid lectures on Thursday and Friday, and for those attending the conference in London, there will be additional face-to-face only workshops on Wednesday.

To register an interest and book for this course please see webpage at GOSH Nephro-Urology Course | Events and complete the registration form.

For more information, please contact, and