I welcome you to the BAPN. Our organisation is committed to working collaboratively with paediatric nephrologists and affiliated health care professionals in promoting optimal care for children with kidney disease through education, training, research and advocacy. In this target-driven era, we need to unite through our partnership with the UK Kidney Association to ensure equity of care and the provision of quality services in every region. By sharing information on innovative methods of working, encouraging our skilled colleagues across the country to disseminate their knowledge, experiences and research to teach and assist others, we can facilitate more effective outcomes. Through our link with the UK Kidney Association, we can influence local and national policy decisions to improve our clinical nephrology practice, and together we can establish important support networks for our membership.
The BAPN is an inclusive organisation for professionals working to improve the care and lives of children with kidney disease.
We welcome everyone working or training in renal units, caring for patients with kidney disease, and/or working or training in renal research to improve patient care in the future. We also welcome clinicians in other fields who have an interest in nephrology to join us as members.
The Renal Association has always provided strong leadership in informing clinical care and research and strives to develop its relationships with corporate partners and to engage with the wider corporate market. However, this requires everyone to contribute and the first step is for you to join us.
The aims of our association are:
To set and improve the standard of medical care for children and young people with kidney disease
To formulate and express opinions on policy concerning the care of children and young people with kidney disease
To conduct clinical and scientific meetings in order to advance the knowledge and skills of doctors with responsibility for children and young people with kidney disease
To conduct collaborative research, quality improvement and audit and to disseminate results
To consider the training, continuing education and professional development of paediatricians with responsibility for children and young people with kidney disease.