Chair of Kidney Advisory Group, Paediatric Sub-specialty Group: Dr Jan Dudley
NHS Blood & Transplant Organ Donation and Transplantation
Information about kidney transplantation in the UK can be found here. The NHS Blood & Transplant Kidney Advisory Group: Paediatric sub-group (KAGPSG) meet to consider operational aspects of paediatric kidney transplantation including organ allocation and data analysis and to monitor activity and outcome.
NHSBT Annual Report: Kidney transplantation
Please click here to access the latest NHS Blood & Transplant annual report regarding kidney transplantation in the UK.
Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissue & Organs (SaBTO)
The Advisory Committee of SaBTO advises UK ministers and health departments on ways to ensure the safety of blood, cells, tissues and organs for transfusion/transplantation. Publications relevant to kidney transplantation can be found here.
Infokid paediatric transplantation: patient information
Paediatric kidney transplantation sharing documents