Hepatic Nuclear Factor 1B Mutation

Rare Disease Group

The HNF1B rare disease group (RDG) covers all diseases associated with mutations and deletions in this gene. These include renal developmental disorders, most commonly renal cysts. The most common problem outside the kidneys is diabetes. When diabetes and renal cysts occur together this is known as the renal cysts and diabetes (RCAD) syndrome. Other clinical features may include hyperuricaemia and gout, hypomagnesaemia, abnormal liver function tests, pancreatic exocrine deficiency and genital tract malformations.

We aim to increase clincians’ awareness of these presentations, improve recognition and streamline diagnosis, particularly at a genetic level. To do this we are studying genetic information on patients with well-defined clinical features. We hold open meetings to inform and support patients and their families.

4th HNF1B Support Day for Patients, families, carers and interested clinicians 23rd March 2024


The aim of the event was to provide information and support to those affected by HNF1B-associated disease; topics covered will include HNF1B genetics, kidney disease in children and adults, diabetes, diet, autism spectrum disorder, research and a patient perspective.

This on-line event was hosted by Drs Coralie Bingham and Rhian Clissold, adult consultant nephrologists based at the Exeter Kidney Unit.

  1. HNF1B and the kidney Dr C Bingham
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder in children - Dr D Howlett
  3. HNF1B genetics - Prof A Hattersley
  4. HNF1B and diabetes - Prof A Hattersley
  5. HNF1 BETA and Diet - Angeline Taylor
  6. HNF1B and the brain - Dr R Clissold
  7. Growing HNF1B mini-kidneys in the laboratory to look for drug treatments - Adrian Woolf

HNF1B (Hepatic Nuclear Factor 1B Mutation) Support Day, Saturday 15th May 2021

This was the HNF1B rare disease group's first virtual HNF1B support day for patients, families and interested clinicians.

It was a chance to meet others and share experiences, there were talks from a panel of experts with the opportunity to ask questions. Bringing people together to develop UK patient support network.

List of talks available to download:

1_HNF1B patient perspective 2021

2_HNF1B kidneys in children and adults 2021

3_HNF1B autism spectrum disorder part 1 2021

4_HNF1B autism spectrum disorder part 2

5_HNF1B diabetes 2021

6_HNF1B genetics 2021

7_HNF1B research update part 1






Dr Coralie Bingham presented an update on HNF1B at the rare disease session at UKKW in Harrogate 2018.

Prof Adrian Woolf presented preliminary results on growing mini-kidneys in a dish from HNF1B patient stem cells at the European Society of Paediatric Nephrology (Turkey 2018) and at the HNF1B family day (Bristol 2018)

Clissold RL, Harries LW, Ellard S, Bingham C, Hattersley AT (2018): Comment on Dubois-Laforgue et al. diabetes, associated clinical spectrum, long-term prognosis, and genotype/phenotype correlations in 201 adult patients with hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B (HNF1B) molecular defects. Diabetes Care 40:1436-1443. Diabetes Care 41:e7

Clissold RL, Fulford J, Kinsella D, Hudson M, Shields B, McDonald T, Ellard S, Hattersley AT, Bingham C (2018): Exocrine pancreatic dysfunction is common in HNF1B-associated renal disease and can be symptomatic. Clinical Kidney Journal 01.18

Clissold RL, Shaw-Smith C, Turnpenny P, Bunce B, Bockenhauer D, Kerecuk L, Waller S, Bowman P, Ford T, Ellard S, Hattersley AT, Bingham C (2016): Chromosome 17q12 microdeletions but not intragenic HNF1B mutations link developmental kidney disease and psychiatric disorder. Kidney International 90:203-211

Bockenhauer D, Jaureguiberry G (2016): HNF1B-associated clinical phenotypes: the kidney and beyond. Pediatr Nephrol 31(5): 707-14


HNF1B RDG Annual Report 2019 – 2020

RDG Lead(s)
  • Dr Coralie Bingham, Adult Nephrologist, Exeter RDG Lead
Patient representative(s) 
  • Mr Grant King, Patient Representative
Other members
  • Dr Shazia Adalat, Research Fellow, UCL
  • Dr Detlef Bockenhauer, Paediatric Nephrologist ,GOSH
  • Dr Rhian Clissold, Research Fellow, Exeter
  • Prof Sian Ellard, Head of Molecular Genetics Lab, Exeter
  • Dr Sally Feather, Paediatric Nephrologist, Leeds
  • Dr Kate Hillman, Adult Nephrologist, Manchester
  • Dr Larissa Kerecuk, Paediatric Nephrologist, Birmingham
  • Dr John Sayer, Adult Nephrologist, Newcastle
  • Prof Neil Turner, Adult Nephrologist, Edinburgh
  • Dr Paul Winyard, Fetal Medicine and Neonates, UCL
  • Prof Adrian Woolf, Manchester Renal Genetics Clinic
Reviewed 14/04/2023


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report