APRT Deficiency

Rare Disease Group

1.   To collect clinical data on patients with APRT Deficiency in a Registry. This will allow us to:

  • study the causes, natural history and outcome of the condition
  • develop patient cohorts for future studies


2.   To collect biological samples for future studies in a Biobank. This will allow us to:

  • identify factors influencing the course of APRT Deficiency
  • determine the role of various genes


3.  To develop new methods to measure urinary purine excretion. This will improve tools that allow us to:

  • study the effectiveness of pharmacological and dietary interventions
  • identify factors influencing the course of the condition


4.  To work with patient organisations, health care professionals and researchers:

  • to enhance the education and training aspect of this project
  • to develop strategies to increase the awareness and early detection of APRT Deficiency and improve patient outcomes

1. Enrolling patients into RaDaR

Analysis of data from international registries has led to the publication of review papers and the development of diagnostic guidelines. These may be refined with the inclusion of UK data.

2.  Improving ways of measuring DHA

Our Icelandic colleagues have been developing a way to measure DHA in the urine to help diagnose APRT Deficeincy and monitor drug therapy.

3. Conducting a pilot study with APRT Deficiency patients

We are comparing the effect of two different drugs (allopurinol and febuxostat) and dietary modification on urinary DHA excretion.


Funder: National Institutes of Health, USA

Title of project:  Rare Kidney Stone Consortium 6401 (Registry) and 6417 (ProRKSC)

Principal Investigator(s): Dr S Moochhala, Dr V Edvardsson, Prof R Palsson

Because APRT Deficiency is such a rare condition, we aim to collaborate extensively with colleagues based in Iceland and the USA in order to achieve the aims of the group. Details of these collaborations can be found on the Rare Kidney Stone Consortium website.


Poster presented at UK Kidney Week, 2017 – APRT Deficiency – A Rare disease that should not be forgotten in renal failure of unknown cause, Lowe, M. & Lipkin, G. 

Abstract presented at Renal Association Meeting, 2014 – Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase Deficiency: Two Novel Genetic Mutations and United Kingdom Experience, Balasubramaniam, G. et al. 

Thorsteinsdottir M et al (2016). Quantitative UPLC–MS/MS assay of urinary 2,8-dihydroxyadenine for diagnosis and management of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency. Journal of Chromatography B, Volumes 1036–1037, pages 170–177.



APRT-D RDG Annual Report 2019 – 2020

Being updated....

Funding support for the 2012 patient Information Day was provided by Amgen, Astellas and Fresenius

Individual members’ conflicts of interest are listed below.


Conflict of Interest

Detlef Bockenhauer

Received consultancy fees from Otsuka

Danny Gale

MRC, Rosetrees Trust and St Peter’s Trust

Paraskevi Goggolidou

Kingston University and MRC Harwell

Tess Harris

Represents charities funded by public donation

John Sayer

Glaxosmithkline, KRUK

Roslyn Simms

Aoife Waters


Pat Wilson

Kidney Research UK, PKD charity UK, Rosetree’s Trust and St Peter’s Trust


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report