Dialysis at Yours: Life fulfilled (DAYLife)

Dialysis at Yours: Life fulfilled (DAYLife)

The DAYLife project was launched in 2019 with the aim to improve the quality and uptake of home dialysis in the UK. 

We support multi-professional teams to learn and use quality improvement and leadership skills to develop a culture in renal units which makes home dialysis the first option considered for dialysis.

"[Home dialysis] enabled me to carry on with my A level’s, do dialysis at home, socialise with friends and family, and meant minimal time spent at hospital or in the car travelling to and from hospital.  It even allowed me to go away for weekends or stay at friends’ houses, allowing me to have those normal teenage years…" 

Home Haemodialysis patient, UK

“When I was making the choice, I thought PD would make life easier for me – just to be able to move about freely during the day and do what I wanted. I think it allows you to have more control of your own life…”

Peritoneal dialysis patient, UK

2023 Onwards

Visit the DAYLife Knowledge hub 



Personal experiences of home dialysis

Sam’s story

Nick’s story

Judy and Graham’s story

John and Debbie’s story

Paul’s story

Steve's story


"In order to make our service sustainable for the future, we must listen to our patients, invest in what will enable them to dialyse at home, and have the infrastructure to support the patients once they are there..." 

Consultant Nephrologist, UK

Why DAYLife?

There are almost 30,000 people on dialysis in the UK.

Despite national professional guidance and patient groups stating more people wish to dialyse at home, there remains a wide variation in home dialysis rates across the country, with only a handful of renal centres having more than 20% of patients dialysing at home.


Evidence shows that home dialysis can lead to:

  • Significantly improved quality of life for the patient – less time and resources spent in or travelling to and from hospital, and fewer lost working days

  • Improved medical outcomes - reduced hospitalisation rates, improved recovery times, improved overall survival rates and reduced incidence of depression

  • Improved knowledge, skills and confidence for the person living with and managing their long term condition.

These benefits are endorsed by NICE, and supported through the Home Dialysis Manifesto and the Kidney Health: Delivering Excellence report.

Are you are interested in getting involved?

Contact us at kquip@renalregistry.nhs.uk


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report