27 November 2024

At the upcoming BAPN/PNNG joint meeting in January, we aim to have a session and discussion around some difficult/challenging clinical or ethical cases. Our aim will be to provide a learning environment, where challenging cases can provide a springboard for a wider discussion, allowing for sharing of learning and best practice, or to seek advice in a supportive way.

We would like to invite you to submit a case from each paediatric nephrology unit across the UK. If possible, it would be good for different members of the multi-professional team to present one case (eg. trainee doctor and nurse).

The organising committee will pick 4 cases for discussion on the day.

Please see below the requirements:

  • Submit an abstract of up to 300 words

  • On the day a 2-person presentation of the case will be encouraged, with at least one AHP presenter.

  • The presentation will be 12 minutes long with 8 minutes for discussion

  • Please submit a case by 16 December and we will inform teams soon after regarding invitation to present at the Winter meeting.

Abstracts should be sent to - events@ukkidney.org