Address: Where is the HD unit: Number of HD beds/spaces: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Services covered: Outpatient clinic location: |

Lead Nurse for HD: Hazel Gibson
Lead Nurse for PD: Hazel Gibson
Lead Nurse for Transplants: Hazel Gibson
Lead Nurse for CKD: Hazel Gibson
Another other CNS’s: Rosalind Simspon (Band 6)
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Ward Sister: Ranjit Gill – 01213339203
Lead Nurse for HD: Saifa Choudhury – 01213339212
Lead Nurse for PD: Sarah Taylor – 01213339209
Lead Nurse for Transplants: Carmel Capelett –01213339215
Lead Nurse for ANP: Fiona Gamston – 01213339215
Lead Nurse for Home HD: Kristina Abbott
Lead for Transition: Carmel Capelett / Rachel Weston
Address: Where is the haemodialysis unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead nurse: Dan Speakman
Ward Sister: Fern Jameson
Lead Nurse for HD: Fern Jameson
Lead Nurse for PD: Jo Woodland
Lead for Transplants: Becky Joules
Lead Transition Nurse: Jo Woodland
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead nurse: Rhian Pearson
Lead Nurse for HD: Matthew Pernas
Lead Nurse for PD: Rhian Pearson
Lead for Transplants: Margaret Lewis
Nurse Educator: Cheryl Jones
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead nurse: Mairead Kinlough
Lead Nurse for HD: Claire McCabe
Lead Nurse for PD: Marie Bates
Lead for Transplants: Joan Flynn
Lead for CKD: Marie Bates
Lead for Nephrotics: Marie Bates
Lead Nurse for Apheresis: Claire McCabe
Lead Nurse for transition: Joan Flynn
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

SCN: Emma McGinlay
Lead nurse: Diane King
Lead Nurse for HD: Zoe Dickson
Lead Nurse for PD: Claire Hagerty
Lead for Transplants: Diane King
Lead for CKD: Claire Hagerty
Lead for Nephrotics: Ursula Monachan
Lead Nurse for transition: Diane King
Nurse Educator: Leanne Millar
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead nurse: Richard Carless
Lead Nurse for HD: Richard Carless
Lead Nurse for PD: Nadine clark
Lead for Transplant work up: Sohie Yates
Lead for Post Transplant: Beth Hall
Lead Nurse for transition: Beth Hall / Sarah Hopkinson
Address: Alder Hey Childrens East Prescot Road Liverpool L14 5AB |
Phone Number: Number of HD stations: |

Lead nurse: Allison Birch
Lead Nurse for HD: Laura Beard
Lead Nurse for PD: Tracy Daglar
Lead Nurse for Transplants: Allison Birch
London Evelina
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead nurse: Carmen Barton
Lead Nurse for HD: Carmen Barton
Lead Nurse for PD: Ellen Samuel / Carmen Barton
Lead for Transplant: Grainne Walsh
Lead for CKD: Pernille Rasmussen
Lead for Apheresis: Carmen Barton
Lead for Nepthrotics: Emma Rigby
Hypertension: Kay Willmott
London GOSH
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead nurse: Claire waller
Lead Nurse for HD: Lynsey Stronach
Lead Nurse for HHD: Ami Cross
Lead Nurse for PD: Michelle Blaauw
Lead for Transplant: Sheila Boyle
Lead for CKD: Maria Scanes
Lead Nurse for Nephrotics: Hazel Webb
Lead Nurse for Apheresis: Lynsey Stronach
Lead Nurse for Transition: Suzanne Bradley
Nurse Specialist for Tubular: Nicola Townsend
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Services covered by unit: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: |

Lead Nurse for HD: Cora Lahart
Lead Nurse for PD: Pamela Slack
Lead for Transplant: Liz Edwards
Lead for CKD: Denise Roberts
Nurse Specialist for Home Therapies: Kate Sinnott
ACP: Michael Noteyoung
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead Nurse: Jayne Straker / Denise Chisholm
Lead Nurse for HD: Jillian Devlin
Lead Nurse for PD: Victoria Emmet / Julie Office
Lead Nurse for Transplant: Jayne Straker
Lead Nurse for CKD: Christine Pattinson
Lead Nurse for Nephrotics: Denise Chisholm
Lead Nurse for Transition: Rachel Steel
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |
Lead Nurse: Shelley Jepson / Roy Connell
Lead Nurse for HD: Diane Blyton
Lead Nurse for HHD and Apheresis: Roy Connell
Lead Nurse for PD: Roy Connell
Lead Nurse for Transplant: Kim Helm
Lead Nurse for CKD: Kate Baker
Lead Nurse for Nephrotics: Monique Burgin
Lead Nurse for Transition: Kim Helm
Address: Where is the haemo unit: Where is, and what is the name of, the outpatient clinic: |
Phone Number: Number of inpatient beds: Number of HD stations: Services covered by unit: |

Lead Nurse: Sarah Grylls
Lead Nurse for HD: Kevin Robinson
Lead Nurse for PD: Katie Knapp
Lead Nurse for Transplant: Sarah Grylls
Lead Nurse for CKD: Sarah Grylls / Katie Knapp / Dawn Jenner
Lead Nurse for Transition: Dawn Jenner