Learning from one renal unit’s transformation in response to COVID-19

Stephanie Stringer, Helen Eddington, Miriam Berry, Jenny Pinney, Lavanya Kamesh and Peter Hewins

The Covid-19 pandemic lead to an unprecedented demand for NHS services while simultaneously reducing access to many other NHS services with major, novel challenges to healthcare providers attempting to keep services running safely. To meet these challenges it was clear from the outset that radical transformation was required across the renal service.

While some of these changes were very specific to the pandemic scenario, many others will shape the delivery of services beyond Covid-19. Here we present the beneficial changes in the areas of haemodialysis, in-patient care and medical staffing, outpatient care, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation.

Click on the links below to learn more about each areas response and learning

Summary of key messages

Combined full report

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