
We run a number of national projects focussing on priority areas for improvement agreed by the kidney community. Our projects aim to respond to evidence of unwarranted variation identified within the UK Renal Registry data, the Getting it Right First Time programme and other national initiatives.

Our projects are dynamic and develop over time, however, at their core, they aim to improve the outcomes and experiences of patients with kidney disease and add sustainable value.

The projects are delivered with KQIP’s principles in mind:

Collaboration, and developing leadership and quality improvement skills across the multi-professional work-force.

Providing a quality improvement hub for kidney care and supporting local improvement.

Do you have a local improvement initiative that you would like to share or need support with?

Get in touch with us and we can work together to highlight your story and share learning with others.

Do you have a project you would like to share on our website? We have this simple template you can use, or email us with your story.

Current priority projects

National projects

Evaluated projects

Local QI projects

Membership benefits
Sustainability Projects