Renal Patient Led Advisory Network – North West The North West Renal Network held a sharing and learning virtual event with the aim of sharing their experiences, which has now become a more formal group which meets regularly.
KQuIP have produced a map to visually represent the roll-out of the first COVID-19 vaccination across the in-centre dialysis patient population in the UK.
Best practice guidance to help hospital staff and managers improve the care of COVID-19 patients has been issued to trusts by the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) team.
COVID-19 Haemodialysis: Ensuring patient safety - updated version of the recommendations for minimising the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in UK adult haemodialysis units
/sites/ the end of 2020, KQuIP ran a mini-series of workshops, aimed at identifying how attendees responded to COVID-19, investigating experiences of delivering and receiving remote kidney care.