20 January 2021

Living Well with CKD BRS/RA Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Living Well with CKD BRS/RA Special Interest Group (SIG) have released some new resources available for renal staff.

FREE private renal staff group on Kidney BEAM
Thanks to funding from the BRS and RA, there is now a free staff group on Kidney Beam. This will be a closed group, for all renal staff called 'The Kidney Beam Staff Group'.
The first event that this group will host will be a four-part breath workshop led by Ciara Roberts starting on the Tuesday the 23rd February at 19.15 pm

There is also now a staff wellbeing tab on the RA and BRS websites collating links and helpful resources for renal staff to explore - access the link here.


Following the success of the first Living Well CKD Webinar on the 4th of February, the SIG are organizing future well-being webinars. Make sure you follow the hashtag #LivingWellCKD on Twitter for more information.

Membership benefits
Sustainability Projects