Patients and colleagues around us can often inspire us to think differently

Lindsay Chesterton, Consultant Nephrologlist, KQuIP DAYLife project

Working in the NHS means that you are often surrounded by challenges. We can always strive for improvement but sometimes these obstacles can seem insurmountable and there is often little energy left over for change. However, patients and colleagues around us can often inspire us to think differently, to see things from a contrasting perspective and to start to believe that change is possible.

Our immediate colleagues from across all disciplines can bring the necessary impetus to consider change but collaboration with other teams in other hospitals gives it a greater sense of purpose and a public sense of commitment.

Working with colleagues from Coventry on the DAYLife project has been a great part of KQuIP – the sharing of ideas, the encouragement to continue with our goals and the mutual support has enabled us to maintain momentum with our KQuIP projects thereby benefiting patients and staff.

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