Part 4. Unshielded

Keith, Haemodialysis patient, UK

This was a Social Media question, and I have reproduced the responses made during a seven hour period from renal patients. I have intentionally not tidied it up apart from removing people’s names to show some raw feelings.



Well ur employer has to make the workplace safe, and furlough in some kind is still there. So I wouldnt say abandoned yet but its been look out for yourself for a while now.


I can’t wait to reconnect personally I know its scary

Im off for the wknd today, I can’t wait to see my dad who I haven’t seen since Xmas, so excited, as my nurse said, we can’t hide forever, we need to be as sensible as possible and look after ourselfs no matter what others think x


Scary times but great times stay safe stay strong but most of all stay back from the madding crowds xxxx

culled…confused, cautious, concerned …Left out to dry.

Very concerning regarding returning to work, the fear factor still exists and there are still regional outbreaks, so until we start seeing figures drop to single figures, there’ll still be that fear at the back of our minds.

Well I’m not changing a thing…as I don’t need to. I’m working from home, everything is delivered, I have no need to go to any shops nor want to. If I want to see friends, they are all sensible enough to be socially distant.

Forgotten, left behind, after thought. I think the procedure and practices make little sense I don’t understand how certain things are not safe for ‘normal’ people but sheilding has been paused,, surely it would make sense to make sure the population is safe first before you let the vulnerable out but if it’s not safe for people who have decent immune systems how is pausing shielding logical.

Not much change for my Dad and therefore me ! The consultants said just to carry on what we are doing, with a few socially distanced outdoor trips for me. Roll on the vaccine ….! Do agree with others on here that August might be the calm before the (next) storm

FED UP with idiots making it certain we will be Shielded again soon



Back to some sort of normality, thankfully!

Just be sensible and safe. Thats all we can do. If u feel its busy place walk away. I work from home i am lucky so far. I don’t have guts to go in a supermarket or stuff. I know somewhere for mental health we need to go and see family if possible as a starting point

Not going out

Abandoned? Really?

Nope still shielding not allowed out

Concerned, but get on with it really, as long as your safe , it will be ok

2 tier society

So many not any place left to write have a good day

Fine?! I make my own choices on my safety and I’m comfortable with it. Looking forward to doing a bit more while I can.

Pretty much okay myself. Don’t feel abandoned or forgotten. Mentally a bit weird, but feel like an individual with free will to make my own informed choices. Am 64, 2 years post tx, not in wonderful health, but determined to try and enjoy life

Dropped, strings cut…

I don’t listen to the gov. I’ve Shielded in that I was away for two and a half months, in a quiet place in Hampshire alone, where I could wander the near deserted New Forest and walk for miles along the shore.. I came back to where I live on my boat

Which magical button’s been pushed to make it suddenly safe???

Does this mean I can go and stay with my son and see my daughter and grandsons in another house??


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