Part 3. What a difference a week makes...

Keith, haemodialysis patient, UK

In my last blog added on 17th June I posted a feeling of exclusion, now following the latest unshielding guidance that has changed dramatically.

I have been snuggled safe in a nest, I am now told from 1 August, it’s time to fledge and leave the safety of the nest (I am allowed test runs from July). But keep distancing, and actually keep the nest, and stay in it as much as possible, but to encourage you to try to fly, the food boxes will be cancelled, and over some undetermined time the priority Home Delivery slots from the Supermarkets also.

I have been snuggled safe in a nest, I am now told from 1 August, it’s time to fledge and leave the safety of the nest (I am allowed test runs from July). But keep distancing, and actually keep the nest, and stay in it as much as possible, but to encourage you to try to fly, the food boxes will be cancelled, and over some undetermined time the priority Home Delivery slots from the Supermarkets also.

I feel as if the scales I am using to weigh up risk are based upon FEAR and BOREDOM – getting out and about now overriding the former common sense of keeping out of the way of COVID-19 totally.

Now that the daily TV updates have stopped, how can I access the information of R-Value particularly for my own area? I am grateful to Kidney Charities and my Renal Team whose support is critical at this time.

The pie chart I shared last time showed 66% wanting to stay in, it is now that 66% who will be trying to keep as safe as they can while having to venture out or rely on family and friends. Those receiving in centre care will be very aware of not bringing COVID into the centre, and if infected, the isolation, possible change in dialysis times, and risk of death weighs very heavy.

So, keep safe my friends and if you are worried speak up and ask your renal team for support and help.


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