Virtual KQuIP workshop improves confidence of kidney teams in leading improvement across the North West
In March 2022, KQuIP North West hosted the first of three quality improvement (QI) workshops. Focus was on Leadership for QI and QI Project Reviews. The workshop was attended by 31 people - a combination of healthcare professionals, patients, and the KQuIP QI faculty.
Rachel Gair, KQUIP Programme Lead and Vicky Ashworth, NW Kidney Network Manager shared their insights into Leadership for QI. These presentations were interactive and helped develop an infographic on Qualities of a Kidney Quality Improvement Leader.
Each unit then presented an update on their QI projects, followed by question and answers in breakout rooms.
The workshop was a success evidenced by the responses to the post workshop survey below. Based on feedback future breakout sessions will allocate additional time for discussions.

The next KQuIP NW workshop is scheduled for June and will be looking at measurement. Until then, the region will be supported by KQUIP through monthly project Peer Assist meetings.