Calling all people living with kidney disease!

Did you know UK Kidney Week (UKKW) is FREE to attend for patients?
From 4th to 7th October there will be a whole host of virtual talks, seminars and workshops all about kidney care. UK Kidney Week have achieved 'Patient Included' status for their annual conference, demonstrating a commitment to incorporating the experience of patients as experts living with their condition, while ensuring they are neither excluded nor exploited.
Kidney PREM mini-symposia
Patient experience - Small things that make a big difference
Monday 4th October 4.30 – 5pm
This 30 minute, interactive workshop during UK Kidney Week is based around an emerging theme from the comments left by patients participating in the Kidney PREM 2020.
Nearly 100 comments included suggestions of how kidney teams could improve patient experience, many of which were simple ideas that would not take any additional resource or time/effort but would really make a difference.
Whether it is smiling rather than frowning, or being offered a cup of tea during dialysis, this theme really highlighted that simple things do matter.
Come and join us for 30 minutes, to talk about how kidney teams and patients can work together to capture these little gems every day, and begin to put into action these quick wins to improve experience.
The session will be written up by the Kidney PREM team to provide some positive and practical tips for improving patient/staff experience requiring limited additional resources.
#partnership #communication #quickwins #learningfromeachother