4 February 2022

KQuIP supports Quality in Practice session at the British Association of Paediatric Nephrology winter conference

KQuIP quality improvement programme managers in partnership with quality improvement leaders of the BAPN led an interactive session exploring opportunities for improvement for the coming year.

The session began with a presentation on the cross-cutting theme of shared decision making, presenting the ask three questions initiative and ready-steady go website.

The KQuIP team presented an ‘improve and learn’ programme proposal to support quality improvement throughout 2022.

There was then an opportunity for paediatric network leads to present their ideas and encourage delegates to join their improvement workshops where ideas for improvement and change were generated. The networks are:

  • Haemodialysis
  • Home Haemodialysis
  • Peritoneal Dialysis
  • Transplantation
  • Growth (dietetics)
  • Patient experience

For further information or to join one of the paediatric KQuIP networks please get in touch with KQuIP at kquip@renalregistry.nhs.uk.

Membership benefits