COVID-19 learning hub


…the extra cash, time and staffing that was made available did free up an astonishing amount of flexibility to achieve change

On 17th March, NHS England wrote to the Chief Executive of every NHS Trust detailing important actions needed in order to:

  • Free-up the maximum possible inpatient and critical care capacity
  • Prepare for, and respond to, the anticipated large numbers of COVID-19 patients who will need respiratory support
  • Support staff, and maximise their availability
  • Play our part in the wider population measures newly announced by Government
  • Stress-test operational readiness
  • Remove routine burdens

This resulted in a huge challenge for the kidney care workforce, who were required to continue delivering life-saving treatment to those who needed it, whilst also supporting other specialties such as intensive care and emergency.

The resilience and flexibility of the kidney care work-force and the ability to quickly transform services and respond to this challenge is something to celebrate and learn from.

How do teams work flexibly to overcome the challenge of high staff sickness and self-isolation?

How do the work-force support each other to prevent stress or burn-out?

What have we learnt from having to perform different roles during COVID-19?

How do the work-force incorporate staff from other specialties in order to maintain their services?

Do you have experience of how kidney units managed the work-force during covid-19?

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