COVID-19 learning hub

Home therapies

UK Renal Registry data demonstrated that home dialysis reduced the risk of acquiring COVID-19 for a vulnerable group.

My unit is doing video clinics… it left me feeling less isolated. They have also started a fistula photograph program, where we send them a photo of our fistula so they can monitor it for problems, another really excellent idea to have come out of this…for one thing, it is better than the 70 mile round trip it usually means for me!

How are teams continuing to train patients for home therapies during the pandemic?

How does remote monitoring support patients to self-care at home?

Has COVID-19 impacted upon decision making around treatment options?

Do medical insertions of PD catheters increase the resilience of PD services during COVID-19?

Patients who were receiving dialysis at home had the relative advantage over patients who were receiving unit or satellite based haemodialysis of not needing to attend hospital regularly, meaning they were able to shield effectively during the pandemic.

UK Renal Registry data demonstrated that home dialysis reduced the risk of acquiring COVID-19 for a vulnerable group.

The NICE COVID-19 rapid guideline: dialysis service delivery [NG160] published in March 2020 stated dialysis service delivery should continue and maintain current home dialysis provision (home haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis), maintain adequate supplies and staffing support, and assess the resilience of care reliant on paid or unpaid carers, family and friends.

The guideline also asked services to think about whether it was possible to increase home dialysis provision for new incident patients.

As in-centre and ward based renal teams were stretched however, the home therapies workforce in many cases were needed to support other areas of dialysis provision, and reorganisation and innovation were required in order to maintain normal training, education and support for patients who chose to dialyse at home.

Do you have experience of managing home therapies services during COVID-19?

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Are you interested in improving the quality and uptake of home dialysis at your unit? Click here for information about the national home dialysis quality improvement project, DAYLife.

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